Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.



What we Believe About Communion

"These are God’s gifts for you, God’s people. Come and be fed.“ This invitation to the table reveals much about who we are, what we believe, and how we celebrate Holy Communion.

At Bethlehem, we celebrate Holy Communion weekly and invite everyone, without exception, to receive the bread and wine. It is one of the few places in our world where nobody is turned away, and where everyone who comes with hands outstretched receives the same amount. Our celebration of Holy Communion is shaped by our conviction that God’s abundant love is an unconditional gift and extends to all.

In keeping with our Lutheran tradition, we believe Christ is truly present “in, with, and under” the bread and wine. When we receive Holy Communion—when we eat the bread and drink the wine—we are nourished with Christ’s presence, which strengthens us in love and service to our neighbor.

Prepare for Your Child's First Communion

Bethlehem welcomes children to the table of Holy Communion. We believe there is no predetermined age when children understand what it means to participate in Holy Communion. When young children ask to participate, the Holy Spirit is at work drawing them into the body of Christ.

To help you and your child be ready for this important step in their faith journey, we offer an engaging, interactive, and age-appropriate instruction for children and their families. Contact a pastor if your family is interested in this class.